Wednesday, 25 June 2014

Week 5 - Colombia/Medellín - 4th-12th April 2014

MEDELLÍN - after a 16hr bus drive, I finally made it. 
I was quite excited about visiting this city, many friends made sure my expectations were somewhat too high, and sadly I didn't find it that amazing to be honest :(
Although the architecture was very nice, the Old Town part of the city was over-crowded and even felt dangerous too, with drugs addicts very open about their habits...

Then I discovered the pretty area, Zona Rosa, and it made me change my mind slightly about the city :)

I only stayed in Medellín for 2 days, and stayed at the Pitstop Hostal,
This is the hostal where I felt most out-of-place of all… :)
The hostal was very nice, with a pool, hammocks, everything you could wish for - but it's for people younger than 22, partying all night and smoking weed all day. Ahahahah, it was quite a funny experience to say the least!

The Old Town (Centro Histórico):

You might have seen her "sister" in my Cartagena post - yes, they do LOVE their curvaceous women in Colombia. If only I were shorter, I'd fit just right in!!! :)

And then the coincidence, I stumble into this amazing presentation about BARCELONA!!!!!
I actually had a tear in my eye I missed my city and my peeps so much already.

That's the Mediterranean, BCN beach on the background, right there in Medellín! Oh more tears…!!

Also had some time to visit Parque Explora,, with some very interesting Interactive Science rooms…and look what I found! What can I say, work still follows me everywhere!! :)
There were stations about Subtitling, there was a recording room, and a room to recreate M&E (music and effects)!

In the Mind Interactive Room, the following set really caught my attention, and I thought it'd be fun to share it!
If you had grown up without ever having seen a toilet and what it is actually used for, would you drink clean drinkable water from it? The answer is yes :)

There is also an Aquarium and an animals Vivarium…not too keen on seeing animals trapped in a box, but here are a few ones:

These cute little fellas are the most poisonous animal there is!

The Dinosaurs cooling area outside:

Also went to visit the Jardin Botanico, even though I'm not too much of a fan of plants and flowers in general, but this park was really nice and relaxing,

This was the Orquideorama - thinking of my beautiful friend Simona and her thousand orchids at the office! ;)

The Desert garden full of cactus:

After 2 days full long days in Medellín it was time to head to Bogotá - a 10hr bus trip with Expreso Bolivariano buses.

Next stop: Bogotá.

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